Digimon Booster Box by Carlson Animation
Digimon Booster Box by Carlson Animation
🌟Carlson Animation🌟
"Digimon First Friends" is released for the first time, and it comes with full sincerity!
🌟Why Agumon is always the first to evolve? Because no matter what you do, you need courage to clear the way.
🌟Why Angelmon is always the last one to evolve? Because when your courage, friendship, honesty, love, knowledge, innocence and even light are ruthlessly shattered by reality, don’t forget to be full of hope.
🌟Why is the light the last to appear? Because only by breaking through the darkness, light will come. There is no eternal night, and light will bring hope.
Carlson Animation is back with you who ran home from school to catch up on comics!
🌙Multiple technology combinations break the limitations of thin card technology design. With the richness of the card surface and the fun of the series as the core, you can enjoy the fun of collecting cards!
🌙SR Protagonist Group Oil Painting Card--a treasured item, 10 layers of oil painting technology, layer by layer to restore the original look of Digimon in your memory
🌙FN refraction card + rating brick—exquisite and gorgeous, unique pattern restores animation details
🌙UR Glitter Flower Card—Perfect illustration plane with top-notch glitter craftsmanship, you will fall in love at first sight
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🌙More interesting crafts are displayed in the illustrated book!
🌟Specifications: 36 boxes/carton; number of packages: 2; number of boxes: 11+1+X ticket stubs.
🌟Free shipping nationwide on November 15-16
🌟为什么亚古兽总是第一个进化 因为无论做什么事都需要勇气开道
🌟为什么天使兽总是最后一个进化 因为当你的勇气、友情、诚实、爱心、知识、纯真 甚至是光明都被现实无情击碎的时候 也不要忘了充满希望
🌟为什么光明最后一个出现 因为只有冲破重重黑暗 光明就会到来 没有永远的黑夜 光明就会带来希望
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