Jujutsu Kaisen Trendy Acrylic Brick | Blind Box | Zuo Qingchaowan
Jujutsu Kaisen Trendy Acrylic Brick | Blind Box | Zuo Qingchaowan
Zuo Qingchaowan
[Trendy Crystal Bricks—The First Spell Return]
One trendy crystal tile per box (12*8*1.5cm)
◎Product specifications:
The exclusive second-generation artwork is carefully designed to bring a collection of masterpieces to spell return fans. There are 68 layout patterns to rekindle passionate memories. The normal and hidden models (1 big hidden and 4 small hidden) have rich explosion rates and diverse gameplay.
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Case details from the manufacturer:
Zuo Qingchaowan
[Trendy Crystal Bricks—The First Spell Return]
◎Product specifications:
The exclusive second-generation artwork is carefully designed to bring a collection of masterpieces to spell return fans. There are 68 layout patterns to rekindle passionate memories. The normal and hidden models (1 big hidden and 4 small hidden) have rich explosion rates and diverse gameplay. One trendy crystal tile per box (12*8*1.5cm)
◎Single box configuration:
- 40 boxes per box, 1 art brick per box
-Official setting: 37%
-Comic character model: 37%
-Scene painting collection: 20%
-Small Hide: 5%
-Big Hide: 1%